
Quotation: “Citizens today are disgusted with being forced through taxes to support an arrogant and deceptive monster in Washington, DC. Those who think would be interested in discussing a proposed plan for government that eliminates today’s three most overbearing and abusive bureaucracies: the IRS, the Congress and, eventually, the Pentagon.” — Publius II

Publius II began researching the government in Washington DC in 1985 as a hobby. His investigations and thinking focused on the truth. With the passage of time he came to see in ghastly detail what government officials were doing TO citizens while the rhetoric pounded on about what they were doing FOR them. The hobby morphed into an obsession.

He studied democracy and contrasted its principles with those under which the authoritarian regime in Washington operates. He studied human nature, learning in detail what horrendous sins man will foist upon his fellow man when he knows he will not be punished. Furthermore he learned that, once in power, the incredible lengths the dictator or elite class will go to stay there. Proof exists not just in Egypt, Libya and Syria; world history is stacked with examples.